Jesus, the Dependent Man [French]
October 2024:
How can a born-again Christian lead a fulfilled life, honouring God and producing fruit for eternity? What do these words of the Lord Jesus, “Abide in me and I in you… for without me you can do nothing” (John 15:4–5), mean in this context? What helps and tools are available to us to live in dependence on God—and how can we best use them?
These are important questions that every true disciple of Christ who has the desire to live a life devoted to God should ask themselves. The devotions in this book are meant to be a help to find answers to these questions, and to be an encouragement to faithfully follow in the footsteps of our Lord and Master.
The “leader and completer of faith” has shown us through His example what it practically means to live in dependence on God on a daily basis. We should learn from Him. His wonderful life encourages and motivates us to true discipleship.
Paperback (12x18 cm), 384 pages

Living by Faith [Spanish]
October 2024:
We are living in a very special time—the period just before the coming of the Lord! Very soon the day will finally come: “Yet a little while, and the coming one will come and will not delay” (Heb. 10:37). Directly following this great promise is the remarkable sentence, “But my righteous one shall live by faith” (v. 38).
This raises the question: What does it actually mean in concrete terms to take God at His word and to live by faith every day? This is exactly what this book is about. It shows the different aspects of a real life of faith that God presents to us in the Bible.
These practical challenges are illustrated by many impressive and inspiring examples of men and women of faith from church history who experienced in many ways that God really keeps His promises.
Paperback (12x18 cm), 424 pages

Associated with Christ—Jeffrey Brett
July 2024:
It’s well known that Christ was crucified, that He died, was buried, and raised on the third day, after which He ascended into glory.
But do you know that—as believers—we’re associated with Him in these things?
In this booklet Jeffrey Brett explains that those things which are absolutely true of the Lord Jesus, should also—in a practical way—be true of the believer.
He explains what it means to be crucified and have died with Christ. He shows us how we can answer to Christ’s burial, but also that we’ve been made alive and are now seated with Him in glory!
Paperback (12x18 cm), 28 pages

In the Master's Footsteps; How the Meekness of Jesus Changes Your Life [Spanish]
June 2024:
God’s objective with our lives is that we become more and more like His Son. But how does this work in concrete terms? What can we do to achieve this objective and what tools has God given us so that it becomes more and more a reality in our daily lives?
The key is to have the example of Jesus before our eyes and to allow ourselves to be shaped and changed by Him. The Master said: “Learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart” (Mt. 11:29). This is exactly what this book is about: it shines the spotlight on a quality that the Lord demonstrated in perfection—His meekness—and then applies it to our lives.
With the help of many examples from the life of Jesus and numerous illustrations from church history, the reader is challenged and urged to be more meek towards God and towards others and thus to follow in the Master’s footsteps.
Hardcover (12x18 cm), 176 pages

Joy In Your Marriage
May 2024:
We have to work out the truth of God’s Word in every area of our lives, also in our marriages and our relationships with each other. The truth in the book of Philippians is the truth of joy in the Christian life. This matter of joy is not the same thing as happiness; happiness depends on what is happing around us. But true God-given joy is something that the Holy Spirit produces within me, in spite of what is happening around me, just as we see in Acts 16.
Joy, rejoice or rejoicing is mentioned at least 16 times in this book. Some form of this word joy is threaded throughout this book. Someone has described JOY as Jesus first, Yourself last and Others in between. This is exactly what is set before us in Philippians and it is the key to marriage and all other relationships!
Paperback (12x18 cm), 44 pages

How Great Is Our God!
April 2024:
When we think about God, we can’t help but be amazed! His greatness is overwhelming! An entire panorama of glories opens up: the wonderful nature of God, His unique characteristics, who He is, and what He wants to be for us—whoever is occupied with this will surely be changed!
God is light and love. He is eternal, unchanging, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, sovereign and much more. He is the uncreated Creator of all things—absolutely unique and incomparable! This wonderful God has become our Father through Jesus Christ: unbelievable but true!
God wants us to know Him better and better. For when we do, we will trust Him more wholeheartedly, enjoy deeper fellowship with Him and worship Him with greater admiration. That’s why this book has been written.
Hardback, 340 pages, 12x18 cm.

Bible Basics, Part 1
March 2024:

In the Master's Footsteps; How the Meekness of Jesus Changes Your Life
September 2023:
God’s objective with our lives is that we become more and more like His Son. But how does this work in concrete terms? What can we do to achieve this objective and what tools has God given us so that it becomes more and more a reality in our daily lives?
The key is to have the example of Jesus before our eyes and to allow ourselves to be shaped and changed by Him. The Master said: “Learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart” (Mt. 11:29). This is exactly what this book is about: it shines the spotlight on a quality that the Lord demonstrated in perfection—His meekness—and then applies it to our lives.
With the help of many examples from the life of Jesus and numerous illustrations from church history, the reader is challenged and urged to be more meek towards God and towards others and thus to follow in the Master’s footsteps.
Hardcover (12x18 cm), 176 pages

Dependence in the Life of Christ [Romanian]
March 2024:
How can a born-again Christian lead a fulfilled life, honouring God and producing fruit for eternity? What do these words of the Lord Jesus, “Abide in me and I in you… for without me you can do nothing” (John 15:4–5), mean in this context? What helps and tools are available to us to live in dependence on God—and how can we best use them?
These are important questions that every true disciple of Christ who has the desire to live a life devoted to God should ask themselves. The devotions in this book are meant to be a help to find answers to these questions, and to be an encouragement to faithfully follow in the footsteps of our Lord and Master.
The “leader and completer of faith” has shown us through His example what it practically means to live in dependence on God on a daily basis. We should learn from Him. His wonderful life encourages and motivates us to true discipleship.

Dependence in the Life of Christ [Spanish]
January 2024:
How can a born-again Christian lead a fulfilled life, honouring God and producing fruit for eternity? What do these words of the Lord Jesus, “Abide in me and I in you… for without me you can do nothing” (John 15:4–5), mean in this context? What helps and tools are available to us to live in dependence on God—and how can we best use them?
These are important questions that every true disciple of Christ who has the desire to live a life devoted to God should ask themselves. The devotions in this book are meant to be a help to find answers to these questions, and to be an encouragement to faithfully follow in the footsteps of our Lord and Master.
The “leader and completer of faith” has shown us through His example what it practically means to live in dependence on God on a daily basis. We should learn from Him. His wonderful life encourages and motivates us to true discipleship.

Sonship: Christ's and Ours
January 2024:
When we consider the subject of the sonship of believers, it’s only fitting that we begin with the Sonship of Christ. After all it’s because of Him that we’re able to become the sons of God.
In this booklet Tim first looks at the Sonship of Christ, after which he applies this to us as believers, looking at the example of the Son for the sons.
As Jesus is God’s Son, we are sons of God by adoption, brought into a position of privilege, that also comes with responsibility and enjoyment.
Saddle-stitched (12x18 cm), 52 pages

In the Master's Footsteps; How the Meekness of Jesus Changes Your Life
September 2023:
God’s objective with our lives is that we become more and more like His Son. But how does this work in concrete terms? What can we do to achieve this objective and what tools has God given us so that it becomes more and more a reality in our daily lives?
The key is to have the example of Jesus before our eyes and to allow ourselves to be shaped and changed by Him. The Master said: “Learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart” (Mt. 11:29). This is exactly what this book is about: it shines the spotlight on a quality that the Lord demonstrated in perfection—His meekness—and then applies it to our lives.
With the help of many examples from the life of Jesus and numerous illustrations from church history, the reader is challenged and urged to be more meek towards God and towards others and thus to follow in the Master’s footsteps.
Hardcover (12x18 cm), 176 pages

Living by Faith in French
June 2023:
We are living in a very special time—the period just before the coming of the Lord! Very soon the day will finally come: “Yet a little while, and the coming one will come and will not delay” (Heb. 10:37). Directly following this great promise is the remarkable sentence, “But my righteous one shall live by faith” (v. 38).
This raises the question: What does it actually mean in concrete terms to take God at His word and to live by faith every day? This is exactly what this book is about. It shows the different aspects of a real life of faith that God presents to us in the Bible.
These practical challenges are illustrated by many impressive and inspiring examples of men and women of faith from church history who experienced in many ways that God really keeps His promises.
Hardcover (12x18 cm), 420 pages

Called to Fellowship
April 2023:
The writing of this book is prompted by the fact that the issue it treats remains ever current. It concerns the question with whom one can “partake of that one bread” (1 Cor. 10:17–18) at the Lord’s table. Does not the Lord alone have the right to receive at His table? It is the responsibility of believers to learn the Lord’s will regarding this matter in dependence upon Him alone.
In the first four chapters the reader will find instruction about Christian fellowship in the church, that is, the fact that all believers sanctified in Christ Jesus (1 Cor. 1:2) have part together in the same blessings in the very house of God and as members of the body of Christ. The fifth chapter considers the practical realisation of this fellowship.

Living by Faith
February 2023:
We are living in a very special time—the period just before the coming of the Lord! Very soon the day will finally come: “Yet a little while, and the coming one will come and will not delay” (Heb. 10:37). Directly following this great promise is the remarkable sentence, “But my righteous one shall live by faith” (v. 38).
This raises the question: What does it actually mean in concrete terms to take God at His word and to live by faith every day? This is exactly what this book is about. It shows the different aspects of a real life of faith that God presents to us in the Bible.
These practical challenges are illustrated by many impressive and inspiring examples of men and women of faith from church history who experienced in many ways that God really keeps His promises.
Hardcover (12x18 cm), 420 pages

The Priesthood Of All Believers
November 2022:
Who are priests today? What does the Bible mean by a priest? What are the different kinds of priests? How does one become a priest? What does God desire of priests?
These are some of the questions that the authors of the two articles in this booklet seek to answer. They also give some practical help as to how we should function as priests.
May the Lord help all of us to answer more to the position of priests He has brought us in to!

Speak Evil of No One! [French]
July 2022:
“If anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man” (James 3:2). Who would claim never to have stumbled in communicating about others?
With all the problems among believers today, it can easily happen that one gets used to talking about others.
The Scriptures give us very concrete principles of communication, some of which are explained in this booklet.
When reading the following lines, the reader will notice that our practice unfortunately often deviates very much from God’s thoughts. The compiler of this text has recognized his own failure in the light of Scripture, and has confessed this before the Lord. In the last section, the reader of these lines is encouraged to humble themselves before the Lord, if they know themselves to be guilty of this in their own lives as well, and to discuss it with others in their local assemblies.
Our prayer for the future is, that the Lord would help us all, both personally and collectively, to maintain the high biblical standard in all our communications and to intervene and rapidly correct in a helpful way when we witness such violations of scriptural principles. May the Lord help us to be more filled with His Spirit and that we would be more found to be to the glory of our Master—individually and collectively!

The Holy Spirit and the Believer—George Davison
June 2022:
Answers to nine questions of vital importance to all true believers:
- Have you received the Holy Spirit?
- Does He indwell all believers?
- What does it mean to be sealed by the Holy Spirit?
- Can we grieve the Holy Spirit away?
- What does it mean to walk in the Spirit?
- What does it mean to be led by the Spirit?
- What does it mean to be filled with the Spirit?
- What is the unpardonable sin?
- Can a believer blaspheme against the Holy Spirit?
Saddle-stitched, 24 pages (120x180mm)

Speak Evil of No One!—Daniel Bubenzer
May 2022:
“If anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man” (James 3:2). Who would claim never to have stumbled in communicating about others?
With all the problems among believers today, it can easily happen that one gets used to talking about others.
The Scriptures give us very concrete principles of communication, some of which are explained in this booklet.
When reading the following lines, the reader will notice that our practice unfortunately often deviates very much from God’s thoughts. The compiler of this text has recognized his own failure in the light of Scripture, and has confessed this before the Lord. In the last section, the reader of these lines is encouraged to humble themselves before the Lord, if they know themselves to be guilty of this in their own lives as well, and to discuss it with others in their local assemblies.
Our prayer for the future is, that the Lord would help us all, both personally and collectively, to maintain the high biblical standard in all our communications and to intervene and rapidly correct in a helpful way when we witness such violations of scriptural principles. May the Lord help us to be more filled with His Spirit and that we would be more found to be to the glory of our Master—individually and collectively!